0.3.1 Patch notes

The Garden Path has been updated to 0.3.1


+ Skin and hair tones can now be selected seperate from one another. Smaller steps in tone blending. (from 22 possibilities to 1,500+)

+ Retweak of character tones and additional tones available, such as greying hair.

+ Game now uses 'Physical Keys' when referencing the keyboard, so the game's layout will remain the same no matter the user's layout (will need testing).

+ New 'Keyboard Type' option in settings, allowing switch between Qwerty and Azerty for the game's tooltips.


+ Removed 'Designer' feature in player focus. It was unable and provided little utility, will be rethinking this feature.

+ Streamlined 'New Game' interface to be more simple.


+ Fixed some items not able to be discarded.

+ Fixed some oddities when moving items from overflow to main inventory.

Thanks for all your reports, and endearing support.



thegardenpath-win-linux.zip 625 MB
Version 0.3.1 Apr 23, 2022

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